Well, the finally announced the dates for Otakon 2000. It's going to be the 4-6 of August. Now I know we were tossing around dates for Muffcon, and we were pretty much going with the mid-July to mid-August time period, right? Is anyone else besides me planning to attend both cons? That is, can we schedule Muffcon for some other time than that particular weekend? Or am I just being a selfish little otaku? ^_^

Well, if you think the last is true, then here's a frying pan to fwap me over the head with. Just don't fwap for other reasons. ^_^ (/me hands frying pan to Bart, being as he's the fearless leader of the NuRPG and Muffcon's illustrious host, he should have first crack, right?)

The One Whose Sanity Was Never In Doubt ('cause there never was any), Queen of Useless Suikoden Trivia, Mistress of Too Many Titles,

Kate et al.

--"They called me crazy! They called me insane! They called me *loony!* And boy, were they right!" -Megavolt (from Darkwing Duck, of course!)

Kate Malloy: kamalloy@home.com http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~kmallo1/index.html (new location coming soon!) FFRPG: Ciara, Sloth NuRPG: Masa&Mune, Delinara, Kala, FAQ Maintainer