Here's my once a millennium update. :)

Removed: -I don't remember offhand, but I did axe a couple of items. -Oh, one of them was the "low bandwidth" version. It was a pain to maintain, and the regular page uses low bandwidth features anyway.

Changed: -All of the pages are based on html templates now. This will allow me to make sweeping changes quickly should the need ever arise. -The color scheme is different -The map page received a major overhaul -The internal structure and organization received a major overhaul -Implemented a new naming scheme -All work done with Dreamweaver 3 -Made a few layout changes to the splash page -The title on the splash page uses a custom font, I'll check into offering it for auto-download later -All dead internal links fixed (not necessarily the external ones though -Lots of other stuff that my mind is too foggy to remember right now

Welp, its 0449, and I'm going to celebrate the new year by sleeping the entire first day. Nite.

Michael Springer