Ok, I expect a few flames after you read this last chapter (and I can't blame anyone, that's the whole theme anyway). Now, I need some help from all of you. I need to make the next chapter actually, somewhat, kinda, pretty much GOOD.

Now I need _constructive_ criticism. Sugar coat it all you want. Just keep it more in a friend-to-friend attitude rather than a mindless newspaper critique, no matter how much you hate the way I write. I know I'm expecting too much for that, but I don't want to hear "you suck" simply for the sake of "you suck" unless you can tell me why. Now, here are a few basic questions I'd like you to answer if you can relate to what I'm asking (just skip anything you don't feel like answering). Otherwise, feel free to add anything else.

And to Jae and Rum, I really enjoyed your critique-ing while it lasted, and even though I never replied, if I did I would have told you to keep it up.

Senseless Survey:


Do you notice any strange habits in my writing that just keep bugging you?

Do I use any words over and over and over again that just keep bugging you? (like the word "culture" in Macross)

Do I have any glaring grammatical errors?

What do you think about the tone of my chapters as it attempts to explain stuff?

Do I treat the reader as stupid, with no knowledge of anything?

Do I sound like a children's author?

Do I use any noticeable patterns in each chapter that bugs you?

Does my paragraph format (indent every time a different character speaks) bug you in any way?

What is the corniest, cheesiest, or worst scene you've read from anything I've written (besides Solstice 22)

Does the pace or flow of sentences seem to be a certain way?

Am I unclear or too obvious? (and was that a vague question?)

Do you mostly skim over words when you read my stuff?

Do any words serve no purpose or just get in the way of reading? (Actually, incidentally, obviously, as a matter of fact)

How do you describe the narrator's tone and ability to explain things?

Do, I, use, too, many, commas, and, stop, too, much, like, Captain, Kirk? (and do you pause with each comma or skip over them?)

Am I a prick?

Do I use big words without indubidabley putting them in the right context, or do I try make sentences sound more sophisticated by saying "derrier" instead of "stank ass" ?

Am I too offensive to anyone or am I too conservative to anyone? (in regard to people, cultures, etc)

Am I sophomoric and do I act like I'm great?

How well do I write conversations between characters? Am I ping-pongish, movie-ish, unrealistic-ish...

Have you ever felt like using an anime emoticon after reading a sentence I wrote? 0_o

Do I ever wander off into another tense? Do I use words in the wrong tense? (that, which, is, was)

Am I too redundantly redundant in redundant redundancy?

Have I ever confused the hell out of you?

Have I ever made you cringe, groan or say "what the hail you goin' on about boi?" (I know some of these plots are comicbookish, but hey... at least no one's in red and yellow spandex (except the guy in black and red spandex))

Is anything glaringly fake or compellingly realistic and what makes you feel that way?

Does my writing style remind you of any kind of writing style?

If you were any kind of animal you wanted to be, and you had three wishes, and you saw an ink blotch that looked like a two-headed elephant, and you were stranded on a desert island with anything you wanted, wouldn't you smack the hell out of the person that asked you?

Is anything just plain WRONG?

Does talking about alternate realities make you hot?

Do you frequently add or delete small words from sentences I write just to make them read easier?

Do I use run-on or jolting sentences to the point where it bugs you, and do you know when I'm making up a word?

How much do you think you think like I think when you try to think like I think? (if you've ever tried)

Am I hard to follow or do I just nail things into the ground?

Do you get physically weary after reading anything I've written or do you eat it up like a goat? (no goat jokes, please)

Did you see Fight Club, and did you like it?

Did you see Girl, interrupted, and did you like it?

Did you see Transformers: the Movie and did you like it?

Am I wimpy or wormy?