Heather Hatch, Queen of the Lemmings!

I received other correct submissions from people in this order:

Michael Springer Lucca Rasis Malock Kate Buck

The answer key, for those of you who are interested, is as follows:

Magus looks like Robo. He looked into the mirror and saw it himself. :)

Lucca looks like Ayla. Magus figured this out as well.

Robo looks like Marle. Why else would Marle say stuff like "Affirmative"?

Ayla looks like Lucca. Remember her pulling that bar off the wall, thinking it was useful?

Marle looks like Magus. The whole thing Crono (who looked like Bart--see below) said about that "creepy castle". Marle's own castle isn't creepy. Also, think of Crono's reaction when she tried to take his hand.

Crono looks like Bart. This one's pretty vague, but there's enough stuff there to figure out the last two, given the clue: No two people look like the same person. All that's left are Crono and Bart, and Crono had no idea what Marle was talking about when she accused him (thinking he was Bart) of being a jerk over the past few days.

Bart looks like Crono. Robo really didn't give any outward indications of who he thought Bart really was, but again, there's that clue. Crono's the only one nobody else looked like. :)

Again, thanks for participating, and congrats! Bragging rights go to Lannie. :)

Peace, Bart