The HP is moving, but not to where you might think...

The HP is moving to . In fact, it's already there.

I haven't updated it just yet, so don't expect anything new (except for the update I did just before I found out the nurpg account was frozen on Dreamhaven..)

This is the eighth official home by my count, and with any luck the last.

I was hoping to get the server up and running last week, but I screwed up the partition table on my main hard drive and, well.. if you know what a partition table is.. you know that problem is not exactly a slice of heaven.

At any rate, since the server is like two feet away from my main computer (in my living room), the updates should be slightly more frequent. Also, the problems we had before with file and space limitations are a thing of the past.

I don't have the forms working yet, but I will endeavor to get them working in the next few weeks (feel free to hold me to that).

I've been plotting and planning this for the past couple of years really. What finally made it a reality was the availability of broadband in my area and several hundred dollars worth of computer upgrades (to my main machine). I'll be paying on those parts well into next year. :\

So what of Dreamhaven? That's the next letter I'm going to write. Basically, the page is coming down from there just as soon as the account becomes unfrozen. I'm going to see if they'll host a pointer for free for a few months. The account will officially be paid for up to about a month from now.

Does this mean the end of my donation drives? Well, not entirely. I've paid $125 out of pocket for Dreamhaven, and the new server does consume electricity, so feel free to send me money. If you also want to buy the server an upgrade, I won't argue. :)

That pretty well sums it up. If you have any questions to pose, feel free to reply.

Michael Springer

For the curious, here's the server specs:

Abit AX5 MB Pentium 200 96 megs SDRAM 8 gig HD Diamond Monster Fusion (Banshee) D-Link 10 Mbit Phoneline LAN Adapter (to my LAN) SMC 10 Mbit LAN Adapter (to my cable modem) 128k Upload rate (from what I'm told) Windows 2000, and a few third party server apps

All of these parts were in my main computer at one point (hence the use of the pentium processor and the overkill of the Banshee card).

Is it hackable? Well, its my first server, so probably.. but I request that you not hack it please. :)