>It just got me thinking about the current deadlines put on our >writing. Get a chapter in by x date or your character dies and might not >be allowed to be brought back to life. It would be sad if these policies, >originally implemented to increase postings, were having the opposite >effects. This is after all, mere a writing group, one meant for >fun. Things which hinder that fun should be eliminated, if possible. If >it takes us 2 decades to finish, does that really matter? As long as the >authors have fun and enjoy themselves throughout? > >Food for thought. >matt, back to the paper.

I have to agree, in -part-, with what Malock brought up... I myself, am not very fond of deadlines. The closer you get to it, the more you feel hurried to come up with something that will save your character's limbs (quite literally), and so the writing will usually suffer, in my own opinion. I think every author will tell you that deadlines are a drag, but in the world of professional writing, they will also tell you that deadlines are a necessary evil.

But here? I don't know. -Most -of us have jobs, school, a life to juggle in between our writing time (if there is such a thing). And so, it's only natural that most of us don't respect the deadline. I mean... between the opportunity to, say, get some money to buy groceries and the opportunity to stay home and write so I'll respect the deadline for an e-mail rpg... I'd much rather eat. -Then -I'll write.

But, on the other hand, if it takes us two decades to finish a chapter... the NuRPG might still be here when we're not =P

A touchy subject.