Soemthing I've been thinking about for awhile is the idea of a "motivational admin." This person would have the job of simply sending annoying e-mail messages to anyone who requests it. Say I know I'd like to get a chapter out in 2 months, but by that time I'm already bored and lazy and busy with other things. If I request the motivational admin to randomly tell me to start writing around that time, then I can either see if it's a good time for me or reply saying "not yet you dumb@#$%."

This isn't a very good idea, but there are times when there's nothing else to inspire me to write unless there's some spark of interest, and some kind of spam saying "I really like everything you've done so far. Smithers.. you.. really.. know.. how.. to.. turn.. me.. on.." Even if it's an emotionless reminder, at least it's some kind of checkpoint for where you are in terms of a schedule. It's not a deadline, just a way of saying "if you feel like writing now, why not give it a try. If you don't, wait until some other time."

Again it's a stupid idea, but if you think it actually has any merit, I'd be completely willing to be in that position since I already recieve at least 9 flames a week.

At 01:01 AM 4/15/00 -0700, you wrote: > >Well, either there's no deadline, and nobody writes, >or there's a deadline, and nobody writes. I've never >been fond of the Axe of Dismemberment, but it seems >that some structure is needed to keep things flowing. > >On the other hand, what is also needed is interest. >Most characters (my own included) just wander >pointlessly through their own adventures and then >dissapear without leaving a mark on the world as a >whole. I think that for an RPS to work, its members >really have to maintain good communication, and they >need to have the common good of the story foremost in >mind. > >I mean, what's the basic concept? Pick a video game or >anime character and start writing. (I know that's not >exactly what it says, but that's how most seem to >interpret it.) That sort of concept usually leads to >shallow characters and plots. It encourages people to >just pick their favorite character and start writing, >even if that character isn't well suited to Nu, or to >the first plot idea that came to mind. Personnally, >the only characters in Nu that I really like are the >completely original ones. > > >I guess what I could have just said is that I feel the >deadlines would not be neccisary if people got more >involved. If people felt that they needed to get their >chapters out because they were really an important >part of the story, it might give them the incentive to >write more often. This would also require more authors >to create characters who can BE of importance to the >grand sceme. > >So the fact that the deadlines were introduced may in >fact be an indication that interest was already >falling. Because I have to say, if you enjoy writing, >you MAKE time for it. > > >If anyone disagrees, feel free to fwap me with a dead >fish or soggy noodle or other odd object and proceed >to detail your counterpoints. > >-Devon > >===== >NuRPG: Devon Valoth >Ultima Online: Richter/Sephiera/Terra/Chris/Azabeth/Sejanus/Desirei >Real Life: Myself > >Check out the ongoing progress on Haven's Saga at > >====== > >__________________________________________________ >Do You Yahoo!? >Send online invitations with Yahoo! Invites. > > > >