Okay, first of all, Baltimore is in Maryland, not Ohio. I think you still had Muff on the brain, Rumor. ^_^

Otakon runs from August 4-6, and the official website is at www.otakon.com, for those of you wanting th essential info.

Now, here's the problem. All of the close hotels that offered discount rates for the con have already sold out. There are some other ones at BWI Airport that offer shuttle service, and there are also several downtown hotels still available that *don't* offer a discount. Now, if a bunch of you are willing to go in together and split the rates, that might work out.

I've already got my room reserved; I know that Bart's coming with a bunch of friends from his school anime club and I think they have their accomodations taken care of. I believe that Destral is coming as well. Jae and Buck also threw their names in as possibilites.

Since I'm the Baltimore native, I guess I'll be in charge of organizing any touring, nightly get-togethers, etc. but be warned -there's another group that I'm involved with that also has a fairly substantial population coming, and we're also planning some sort of party. We could combine the two. I think y'all would probably get along fairly well. ^_^ Some of them are ex-FFRPG'ers, even.

So what I'm asking now is for everyone who knows they're going to be coming to e-mail me, anyone who thinks they might be interested in coming to e-mail me, and anyone who thought they might come but aren't any more to e-mail me. Yes, that includes you, Bart. ^_~

I'll see if I can't whip up some sort of impromptu Nu/Impro Otakon Mailing List or something. ^_^

Hope to see you all in August!


--"The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans are suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you." --Rita Mae Brown

Kate Malloy: kamalloy@home.com http://www.gl.umbc.edu/~kmallo1/index.html