Redmond Brady wrote:

> All right, I admit it: I suck when it comes to meeting deadlines. I > worked sporadically on this section for weeks without much success, > and it was only a day or two ago that inspiration finally hit me. Ah, > well. The next bit (which will probably signal the completion of > Chapter 4) will definitely follow within the next two weeks. Really. > Absolutely. This time I mean it. Probably. > > > > Also, lest we forget, bear in mind this date: > > >





> > | > MARCH 31< | >





> > > > Remember, if it's been a while since you've written anything, and you > actually care whether or not the RPG fades into obscurity, then you'd > best be making your presence known once again before the end of > March. At that time NuRPG will be declared officially dead, unless we > do something about it. Send something, *anything*, to the list, be it > a chapter or a quick explanation of why you *can't* write any more > chapters. Like QotL said, it doesn't even have to be *good* - we are > more concerned with quantity than with quality at this point. > The Great Axe is hovering over our collective neck, and the time has > come to either duck out of its way or kick the executioner in the nuts > - er, metaphorically speaking, of course. So let's get posting, folks > - prove that I didn't just make a fool out of myself for nothing. > Pretty please? > Redmond speaks the truth. Consider this post to be the RPG's a-little-over-a-month warning. When I set the March 31st deadline back in December, a lot of people swore up and down that they would write. Very few actually have. If this RPG is to keep going--and I certainly would like it to--then things have to change, and they have to *stay* changed.

Let's get writing, people. Time is of the essence.
