Comments, anyone? Does anyone even read these? Anyone interested in > plotting?

Comments: Lath chapters are so violent because you have a deep-seated urge to show of his immortality?

I read these things. And as of tonight, I have decided to respond to every chapter in my box. Even Kris Garriosn's last one, which is damn near a month and a half old. Oh well. Maybe the communication will stimulate an interest in chapter writing. If we are more likely to get compliments/critiques, the interest of the group may surge. It's worth a try at least. Why don't you try it too?

Plotting: Plots are good. Plots are fun.

Now. Your chapter. You seem to be building to some sort of action from Melwick. That's good. Bert might a despicable little sell-out, but Mel's whining is getting on my nerves :)

You also seem to be building to a reaction with Lath. Gore is all well and good, and the thriller-style you ahve going right now as his immortality is tested over and over again (and again!) is cool, but I feel that it would grow old fairly quickly.

Hmm. That's all I can think of write now :)

See you around the channel.