While checking on an unrelated problem, I took a look at the page in Netscape 4.73 (not usually something I bother doing). My page only uses a small amount of proprietary code, all of it designed to make the logo glow. The rest is all standard code. It looks nothing the same as it should (look at it in IE). For starts, there _should_ be an image on the front page. In at least some previous versions of Netscape, there has been an image on the front page (that still uses the same code).

While designing a new layout for The Prince's Quest (the new project that the ff1r group is working on, I briefly looked at it in Netscape and IE. The first standards-meeting version was three screens wide with all of the text bunched together, in Netscape. The IE view looked as it should, with nice positional layers. The second version was only vaguely more organized. The third (and final) dumb-down was mostly the same, but the table's background color was not the greyish blue that it should have been, but rather maroon!

The most recent market poll I saw (very recent) put IE at 91%. With Netscape not even taking a tenth of the market, and other free browsers (yes, plural), displaying the page as it should be, I can no longer find a compelling reason to remain shackled to that browser's limitations.

I also sent this message to Bart first, and he thought it a good idea to quote him as such: "You're preaching to the converted. I haven't touched 4.7 for months, and I no longer bother testing web pages on it. No complaints here."

I strongly suggest that you get the latest version of IE if you are using a Windows or Mac based machine (oddly enough, the Mac version is more standards compliant). If you abhor Microsoft, or are using Linux, or both, I suggest getting Mozilla (which is _not_ the same browser as Netscape).

If you have a question or concern, feel free to voice it. I will give it serious thought. I should warn you though that you will need to be _very_ persuasive to convince me to continue to support that aging relic.

---Michael Springer (Yes, I know that there is a newer version of Netscape, but 4.x is still the most prevalent version)

IE for PC http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/default.htm

IE for Mac http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products/ie/

Mozilla http://www.mozilla.org/