Name: Ash "Housewares"

Appearence: Mid twenties, square jaw, short black hair, medium build, with a somewhat beaten and tired appearance. He seems like the type who's seen it all, and somehow managed to keep his sanity.

Abilities: Slayer of demons, reluctant hero. Can do amazing things mechanically, and has a good grasp of basic chemistry and mechanics.

Inventory: 1973 Delta 88 Oldsmobile, Boomstick. [A twelve gauge, double barreled Remington pump.] Chainsaw, Various College textbooks, various tools. [Screw driver, hammer, wrench sets in English and Metric, etc. etc.]

Personality: Ash is a tired individual, sick of being the whipping boy of the 'light side'. He does what he has too to survive, and merely wants to return to a normal life. He's somewhat of a jerk, but has leadership skills, as well as a sharp wit. Always managing to get himself into trouble, thanks to his absent mindedness, and his attitude.

Quote: "I don't need this! Can't I just click my heels together or something? Don't tell me I gotta go through all this crap again!"

History: Ash lived a normal boring life as a clerk at a department store, until his tragic run in with Necronomicon Exmortum. The Book of the Dead. The only survivor of two encounters in a small cabin in the woods, he was then thrown into the past. There he saved a kingdom from ruin, and managed to return home. Unfortunately, he found himself once again returning to the place where the evil started with his new girlfriend Jenny. The evil came and took her, and he was forced to rescue her by once again traveling to the past. Unfortunatly, things were not the same when he returned home...

My Intro!: Hi, I'm Carrot. Writer of fanfiction, and all around egotistical jerk. Perfect for writing someone like Ash. I'd like to say that the story itself starts out in typical 'Evil Dead Fashion'. So, all of the history will be explained in greater detail by our hero, by way of some rather moving dialouge. Heh. I like Ash, and I've been an Evil Dead fan for many years. I know the character well enough to do him justice. I'm sure some of you are already drooling at what this could mean for Nu, and your own stories.

I may be familiar to some of you, and if I am, you should be pleased to see me with Ash. I very seriously doubt if I'm going to disapoint his fans either. Heh.