Name: Istvan Nemuria

Appearance: No hair, but a vaguely Membari looking head crest. Golden eyes, slitted like a cat's or a lizards. His skin has a slight greenish tinge to it in certain lights. He has a very small nose, and his lips are also green, and thin. He is tall, and wiry. His nails are made of the same green chitin as the scales around his eyes. His anatomy is mostly human, with vestigial scales in certain places, such as around his eyes, where they trail down from a point on his forehead and cover his eyelids. He wears a robe made of a single piece of unbleached muslin with light brown stencilled markings of runes to focus and enhance the divine energies naturally present in the world.

Abilities: Istvan is a monk, of the Order of Null. They believe that the body is more than a temple, it is a vessel for holding divinity. They maintain a strict physical regiment of exercise and diet, so he is in amazing shape. His mind is generally very focused, though he doesn't have any funky mental powers per sey. He is very adept at meditation, however, and in the right state of mind can channel diving power into himself by focussing on nothing and allowing the energy to fill the void within. He can then use this divine energy (magic) to various ends. The better the contact with the void he has, the more power he can draw to him, and weild. The symbols on his robe make him a better conduit for the divinity to enter, and allow him to draw more power. If he is prepared for it, he can absorb the energies of spells and other supernatural effects used against him, or around him, diffusing them and giving the power to himself.

Inventory: At this point, Istvan has only his robe to his name...

Personality: Istvan tends to be very formal, and quiet. He isn't naturally argumentative, but he isn't exactly the type to keep quiet for the benefit of others if he feels something needs to be said. He doesn't usually lie, primarily because he doesn't really see the point. He is very confident, however, and his beliefs are not easily shaken. On the other hand, he is very humble in regard to his place in the universe.

Quote: I am only a vessel, waiting to be filled with divinity.

History: Istvan was both serious and solitary as a child. He was not unpopular, just generally disinterested in what was going on around him. He felt that there must be something more to life than what was offered at first glance. In his youth, he experimented with various outlets including art, sport and academic, but nothing seemed to complete him. Under the guidance of his family, he sought answers in religion. After several experiences with some of the more mainstream religions of his homeland, he was approached by the Order of Null. Their philosophy intrigued him, because he wanted to believe that there was a cause for the empty feeling he lived with.

He left home in order to join them, although his parents encouraged him not to, as they saw the Order's teachings to be somewhat heretical to what they believed. For his part, Istvan took very well to their teachings, and the masters felt that his own connection to the void was very close, and therefore his capability for holding divinity was very great. He continued to stay with them, strengthening his body and broadening his mind, until one day, during the standard course of his daily meditations with the other disciples, he felt a more authentic connection to true nothingness that he had thought possible, and his world changed....

Plot: a secret!

(Sorry, too much Slayers)

-Heather(soooo many different characters o_O) NuRPG Character Approver

-- Well I lived with a child of snow when I was a soldier, and I fought every man for her until the nights grew colder.

She used to wear her hair like you except when she was sleeping, and then she'd weave it on a loom of smoke and gold and breathing.

-Leonard Cohen, "Winter Lady"