Surprise! I'm back.

Name: Janus Michael Gwydaine Age: 29 (looks closer to 20) Paradigm: Displaced Changeling Birthplace: Aberystwyth, Wales Next of kin: Diamond Gwydaine (mother) Likes: Poetry, finely tailored garments, lemon-poppyseed muffins, Schala Zeal... Dislikes: Rude people, milk, boredom, iron, turnips...


Janus stands about 6', and is a little on the thin side of an average build, although he'd prefer to be called 'svelte'... He has a fair complexion, and angular but handsome features. Being a faerie, he naturally has pointed ears. He has crystalline blue eyes, and light blue hair, a little more than shoulder length. This, obviously, refers to his fae seeming, which is manifesting very strongly in the Nexus... The only time his mortal frame has been visible was during the magic blackout that bridged TP's 3 and 4. His features look mostly the same in that state, but his hair and eyes are brown, and he appears as a normal human...


Janus is a changeling, that is to say, a faerie soul in a human body. However, over the course of his time on Nas Unara, he has been shedding the vestiges of his mortal life, and often finds it difficult to remember the mundane aspects of his life back on Earth. His fae self becomes more dominant each day that he is in the Nexus. Back on his home world, this would have been a big problem, as changelings who grow too far apart from the mortal world tend to be driven insane by their own magical natures; but the magical paradigm of the world of Nas Unara (henceforth N.U.) makes it seem *more* sane to be a mystical creature than just an ordinary mortal...

Janus comes from the noble class of changelings, the Sidhe. As such, he often worries about what people around him think of him. He is rather a high-strung individual; like many Sidhe, he is ruled by emotion. When his mortal and fae sides were more in tune, his personality was much more stable, but since his arrival on N.U., he's become somewhat less rational, although not a total nutbar. Daniel Graves' records list him as being 'manic-depressive and prone to paranoid fantasies', but I'd say that's a little harsh.

He tends to be quiet most of the time, thinking over whatever particular problem he believes he has at the moment, or simply distracted by his own imaginings. He is curious, but in a way that verges on suspicion. Janus is a very private person, but he doesn't really have anything to hide.

History (Short Short Version)

In the beginning, Janus was not a very well-balanced Changeling. He wasn't as one-sidedly fae as as become in the NuRPG, but he was definitely somewhat less than stable. However, as a Sidhe, and the son of a powerful Countess, his eccentricities were generally tolerated by those around him. However, that was all to change after the summer of 1996. Janus was sent as part of a Changeling delegation to the summer Olympics in Atlanta, to revel in the glamourous energies generated by the spirit of the games. It was there that he met Debbie Woodrow, a changeling girl of a commoner kith. He became quite infatuated with her, but never revealed his feelings, fearing the social repercussions that involvement with a commoner would surely bring. He returned home alone, but could not stop thinking about Debbie... So began the downward spiral. Secluded in his freehold, cut off completely from the mortal world, he obsessed about her constantly. He wrote poem after poem dedicated to her beauty and virtue; and as Bedlam set in, she was transformed from a charming little common girl to an exotic lady of perfect purity and matchless radiance, whose coyly smiling countenance vexed him even in dreams. He became convinced that she was secretly testing him, and that if he somehow proved his worth, she would reveal herself at last. A year passed in this fashion before, by sheer coincidence, Debbie and Janus ran into one another at a Court in eastern Canada. He, believing this was his long-awaited sign, was happily prepared to whisk her off to England, where they would live happily ever after. Debbie, of course, remembered him as no more than an acquaintance she'd made back in Atlanta, someone she really hardly knew at all. Not only that, but in the time since she'd last seen Janus, she'd gotten together with an old friend of hers, and the two were expecting twins! She had no idea of the role she was supposed to play.

Janus left feeling indignant, hurt and betrayed. He imagined that the pooka had deliberately tricked him; that she and her beau had played him for a fool. He diverted his energies wholly towards sorcery, researching darker Arts; perhaps for diversion, perhaps for revenge... His madness took on a darker bent, and his peers soon began to realize just how far into Bedlam he had slipped. For his own good, Duke Oliver, the ruling lord of the area, had Janus sent away from the court, to live outside of changeling society. This exile would force him to live in the mortal world, and hopefully help him to find a balance between his human and fae sides.

Janus found himself on the other side of an ocean, cut off from everyone and everything he'd ever known... but eventually it did prove to be for the best. He went back to school and finished a degree in law, and mostly forgot about Debbie. His personality returned to a more or less normal state, and he was able to find a sort of equilibrium between humanity and the Dreaming, as an agent in the FBI, investigating cases of unexplained phenomena. It was because of one of those cases that he ended up being sucked into the Nexus.

Since then, he has, at various times, travelled with Crono, Jan Urmen, Mykil, Sena, and Renin, along with another Changeling girl who has as yet remained nameless. Most recently he's been with Schala Zeal. The two were last seen serving aboard a pirate ship in Daniel Graves Chapter 5...


Janus owns a pretty impressive weapon which he hardly ever uses. It's a rather ornate scythe, which was left to him by his late father. It is imbued with the power of a lightning elemental, and can call down bolts of electricity when wielded in battle. Other than that, his offensive capabilities are pretty limited. He finds brawling distasteful, and isn't very good at it. He is, however, rather skilled in changeling magical Arts, although he cannot remember many of the powerful spells he researched while in Bedlam.... (yet?) He is capable of flight, moving at superhuman speeds for short periods of time, flying anime leaps, walking through walls, teleportation to any location to which he has been, or of which he holds some artifact. He also possesses the Mystical Power to Cloud Men's Minds. In addition, his birthright as a noble faerie grants him everlasting poise... No magical/supernatural effect which would make a Sidhe look silly is ever effective. And lastly, if roused to anger, a Sidhe projects a sort of aura of fear, which compels people to do what they want in order to calm them down...

That's it.

Now, I know that Janus and I are a bit behind, but I'm hoping that the magic of Travel Time will eventually catch us up. Also, we haven't worked together in quite some time, so we're bound to be a bit rusty.... practice makes perfect! </cliché> A chapter will follow as soon as it's proof-read by the Lanstress.



Love is a fire it burns everyone it disfigures everyone it is the world's excuse for being ugly