This post is long overdue, but better late than never!

Name: Hanten Meiryou

Appearence: Mei stands at about 5'9", and weighs around 170 lbs. He has long dark blue hair which is normally held in place by a headband and decends straight down his back. His body is shaped and quite lean from years of sword practice, and his facial features are not unpleasing to look at. His expression is usually neutral and steady, his soft but calculating auburn eyes always watching. He wears a uniform similar to that the Shinsengumi who struck fear into the hearts of revolutionists during the Meiji era of Japan... The uniform consists of a white under-kosode, followed by a light blue over-kosode (No jagged Shinsengumi design on the sleeves) and a pair of dark blue hakamas.

Abilities: Mei is extremely quick on his feet for a human, and thus can usually out-step a lot of his opponents. In addition to this he studied under two different schools of Kenjutsu, using both sword styles quite effectively in combat.

But his most unique ability is the special connection he has with his one-of-a-kind Nihontou (Katana). By channeling his Ki into the sword, he is able to envelope the blade in a bluish energy which flickers like a flame. Should he utilize any combat maneuvers while the sword is in this state, the energy surrounding the blade whips outward in a wave, which ebbs back into the sword as it's momentum slows. This wave of energy is quite deadly, as it is able to simply burn through most low-end swords and armor. However, Meiryou has been working on controlling the nature of this energy, and has thus far been able to make it non-lethal. In /that/ form, the energy wave instead puts out quite a bit of kinetic force which will knock a target back or even carry it into the air.


- He carries Mochidzuki, his Ki-sensitive nihontou with him at all times. The sword was brought through several battles completely unscathed and has yet to be marred or dented at all...

- The only other outstanding item he carries with him is a small silver band which has the kanji for "Aku . Soku . Zan" engraved into it. Other than carrying the slogan of the military group he admired most, it seems to carry quite a bit of emotional value to him for some reason.

Personality: Quiet and reserved. Mei rarely ever jokes openly. He almost always has a pretty serious outtake on everything and tends to be quite cold towards whatever might be happening around him, but will mask it when it serves his ends. Any emotions that might hinder his ability to operate are buried deep inside him, and only released when he finds the time is acceptable. Ashamed of his family's cowardice and pathetic struggles, he strives for perfection to redeem his own sense of honor and atone for his family's feebleness.

Quote: "Hmph."


"We cannot live this way forever. We are running out of money far too quickly to even pay off our debts!"

"I know, I know. We must find a way to lighten the load..."

"... I know a way..."

The children peeking through the doorway of the sliding door winced slightly. Their parents had threatened them with abandonment before, but now it was serious. They would almost certainly be thrown out on the streets and killed if they returned to the home. Thus began Mei's path to swordsmanship. His lack of any physical possessions besides the clothing he was wearing when he was thrown out caused him to wander the streets with his other two siblings.

Almost 3 months had past when his last remaining sibling perished from malnutrition and illness. He was alone. He continued to wander the streets, waiting. Waiting for what? He decided that he was waiting to leave to where his siblings went...

He had finally roamed to the inner heart of his home city. He did not know why he wished to be here, but he did. Walking along the side of the road, he began to hear the shouts of men and the clacking of bamboo shafts against bodies. On a childish impulse, he followed the noises, wandering into a section of one of the local dojo where he did not find the source of the fierce sounds... But an armoury filled with various weapons. He looked around, wide-eyed and awed at the sight of the bright, reflective blades and colorful sheathes. He reached out to one of the nihontou mounted within his reach and took the sword in his hand, almost unable to lift it. He clutched the hilt in his hand and almost started to pull, but a voice interrupted him.

"Hmmm, stealing things from my dojo are you?" Mei whirled around startledly to face a tall, dark haired middle-aged man with an amused smile on his face.

"I-iie! I was just looking at it..." Mei stammered out.

"Hmf.. Well.. You're far too young and unskilled to even draw the sword yet." The man replied, taking the katana from Mei's grasp. "However, should you be willing... I will teach you to." A predatory glint flickered in the man's eyes as he spoke.

"H.. Hai!... D-demo... I don't have a home anymore though..."

"Sou desu ka? We shall remedy that then... Okaeri nasai."

The years after seemed to pass quickly, with Meiryou growing and learning under the watchful care of his Shishou (Master). As Mei passed into adult hood he also became the highest ranking student of his master's school and was thus declared a master of the sword style, "Tennen Rishin Ryuu Hayabusa". Upon graduation Mei was presented with "Mochidzuki", the nihontou he carries today. Mei then moved on to a second school of swordsmanship, blending it with what he had already learned. The name of the second school has yet to be discovered, as Mei refused to devulge any information regarding it. A year later, at the age of 23, Mei was hired as a government agent for Japan. Several months after being hired he was sent to investigate a strange portal which had appeared on one of the islands, and to bring back what information he could... And eliminate any opposition encountered with discretion.