"... We have positioned the 3rd police division here. Just a quarter of a mile south of the site. They will be available should you need assistance."


Meiryou stood in his commander's office, allowing his hands to rest at his sides casually. This was the second time they were sending him out to investigate something they had no idea about, but he didn't mind. It was simply his job. Well, maybe not quite so simple, Mei thought. This time, a swirling vortex of what could only be described as magical energy had appeared out in the wilderness. It's presence had spooked several farmers in the area, but nothing dangerous had happened just yet. Still, they had dispatched several police divisions... Just in case.

"Your coach is waiting for you to depart. Unfortunately we cannot give you much more information on the matter, for we have none. Your main goal is to.. Just... Make the blasted thing go away. Find out what you can, and deal with any opposition you encounter with discretion. You will be issued 2 days of rations and water. Good luck Meiryou."

"Hai. Saraba, Okashira." With that, Meiryou collected the items which his Commander held out to him, saluted, and turned briskly to leave. As he left the complex he found his coach outside, waiting for him as expected. Still, it felt strange to him. He stopped and looked around him... The cherry blossoms were in bloom, and fell steadily around him in the light breeze. The sky was clear... Not a scratch on the exterior of his agency's staging area. Then.. What?

He shook the strange sensation from him and climbed into his coach, settling himself for the long ride ahead. There was no use in pondering such odd feelings at a time like this... Especially when he had one enormous oddity to deal with. He wondered what he would find on the other side of the portal. Surely it wouldn't be anything like Japan, would it? He attempted to ease his mind and relax for the duration of the ride. No use in getting excited either- it would simply tire him out.

After a few hours, the sun began to creep down behind the horizon. Thankfully he was almost there though. He peeked outside the coach's window, the wind catching his hair slightly. He could see an unnatural light up ahead, peeking through the foliage of the trees around it. It was quite possibly the most astonishing thing Mei had ever seen...

"Hmph. That must be it." He spoke heavily, his voice still fading slightly in the noise of the coach. Gradually, the coach slowed to a halt. He traded goodbyes with the driver and made his way to the clearing where the portal lingered. He stood there for a moment, looking up determinedly at the swirling vortex, then spoke quietly, starting a quick pace towards it. "Ikuzo."

With that brief warning, he dashed for the vortex and leapt in, his hand on the hilt of Mochidzuki... A blindingly bright flash crackled through the clearing, scaring many of the remaining woodland creatures away. As the light subsided, Meiryou was gone, and the portal slowly began to collapse on itself. After a few moments it faded away, and the creatures returned to their nests in the surrounding area...