Meiryou was stunned by the many colors and twists of motion which flowed endlessly before his eyes. It was quite disconcerting to him, to say the least... and for a moment he worried he might be trapped inside the tunnel forever. But then the colors faded away slowly, and before he could take on a rational thought he was thrown from the tunnel and skidded acrossed the ground which had suddenly appeared under his feet ungracefully. Upon regaining his balance in a half-kneeling position, he slipped his hand to his nihontou which was thankfully secured at his side when he had passed through.

"What is this...?" He wondered outloud, slowly turning his head around to view his surroundings. His reverie was interrupted rudely as a sharp tingling sensation shot acrossed his neck. Reacting to his instinctive senses, he stood and whirled around to face whatever it was behind him, simultaneously drawing Mochidzuki from it's sheath. "Oi?!"

What he saw before him shocked him thoroughly. The portal was fading away! His heart jumped as he started for it... But it was too late. The portal had collapsed. Just what /was/ this? Had he been thrown into the realm of Gods? Perhaps the realm of Daemons? His eyes flicked acrossed the strange creature before him, taking note of it's features... He wondered if it had caused the gate to close. Finally his eyes reached it's hands, which were wrapped around what could only be the hilts of two swords. He narrowed his gaze fiercely, and his grip on Mochidzuki solidified. "Oni ka..?"

Mei waited for a long moment, unwavering and unblinking. The creature had made no move, nor had it made any attempt to communicate as of yet. However, he noted it's tail, which twitched cautiously... and started to charge Ki into Mochidzuki as a response. He had not even charged half of it's full capacity when it had begun to twist it's hands in a systematic fashion and chant melodical words of which he had no understanding. Mei reacted instantly, assuming the standard "Gatotsu" position and charging forward as fast as he could. As he closed in on his target, his left arm twisted routinely, ready to shoot forward as soon as he was close enough. A flinch, the creature's hands ceased to dance about the air, a violently bright light, the sound of his own sandals skidding against the dirt... He couldn't see! He stumbled for a moment, taking a half-hearted swipe at the air with Mochidzuki. He heard it connect with something, but his spirits faded as the distinctive sound of a falling tree filled his ears.

After what seemed like an agonizing eternity, the light slowly faded from his vision as he shook his head and looked around for the creature that had caused such discomfort. He did not see the creature at first, but he did spot the arch where the portal had rested. Lopped in half. Perfect.

Mei turned, resuming his search for his opponent... and spotted it fleeing from him. Without considering the circumstances of it's actions he took off after it, lowering into a dash while completing his Ki transfer with his nihontou in the high-right guard position. After a few moments, he realized he would not catch up to the creature at this rate, and leapt into the air towards a branch which he struck into with Mochidzuki forcefully. The Ki casted off of the blade and into the branch which was ripped clean from the tree by kinetic force and was sent tumbling towards the creature at a very high speed. The creature was no fool however, and whipped around as it heard the branch detaching from the tree. Meiryou thought that he had finally succeeded, but as soon as it had turned, the creature dove out of the way with startling agility. "K'so..."

The attack did not go in vain however, as the creature paused for a moment indecisively. Before either could make another move, a series of shrill cries sounded from around them as scores of reptilian men dove from hiding places in the surrounding area. Within seconds, they were upon both he and the creature whom he had pursued so fiercely...