"Hmph. More demons...?" Meiryou thought aloud as he assumed the standard horizontal guard position. He briefly studied the movements and manners of the lizardmen whom were approaching him. They would be no trouble whatsoever... Unworthy of anything more than basic techniques.

Without waiting another moment, he let loose. The simple thrust struck the first lizardman in the chest with enough force to break bones and kill simply from the impact, much less the penetration. He had driven the lizardman back a few feet, and it's comrade was already prepared to take advantage of his exposed back. Just as he had hoped. Meiryou flicked his wrist, switching his grip on the sword in the impaled lizardman's body and shifting around to face the second lizardman, too quickly for it to react in time. The impaled lizardman's body fell to the ground, partially bisected. It's comrade fell with it, in two "clean" halves. With a deft snap of the hands, Meiryou slung the putrid blood from his sword, turning to see his quarry dispatching the rest of the lizardmen.

Gradually, the humming aura surrounding Meiryou's sword faded away. He sheathed the sword without looking, staring at the creature he had chased so determinedly.

"Not too bad for a Prime," he said, "Ye still don't feel like chasin' me down, do ye? I 'aven't got anythin' ye'd want and looks like we're both 'ipped 'ere until I find a portal leadin' out o' this plane."

The tiefling yawned widely, then said, "What's yer name, cutter?"

Meiryou arched an eyebrow curiously. The creature spoke like one of those cursed gaijin. "Meiryou. Hanten Meiryou. And I believe... I'll chase you until you cooperate, and reopen the gate which I came from." He twisted the sword hilt in his hand uneasily. "Saa. What say you, oni?"

The creature's scaled brow creased into a frown. "Look, berk," he said in his raspy voice, "But I'm stuck 'ere as much as ye are. I came through th' portal, too, and th' Lady's Mazes take me if I know 'ow t' get back.

Meiryou shook his head and brushed his hair back wearily. "Treacherous Kami dwelled within that forest..." He paused, lowering his head in contemplation. After a brief moment, he raised his eyes to look at the creature. "I shall take your word for it... But should I find you lied to me, there will be reprecussions. By what name do you go by?"

"Name's Tertek," the creature said, extending a clawed hand in Meiryou's direction to shake.

Meiryou's grip on Mochidzuki tensed for a moment, but slackened after realizing what Tertek was intending to do. Quite alike to a gaijin, he thought curiously. He took the creatures hand and awkwardly shook it, afterwards gesturing towards the slain lizardmen, "Does this sort of ambush occur often? What pathetic warriors they were... Foolish as well."

Tertek absently rubbed a clawed finger along the length of one of his horns.

"Near as I can tell," he said, "th' newts thought we were food or somethin'. I'd think they'd be livin' in a swamp, though. Ye don' see many newts walkin' around in dry woods like these."

"Hmph," Meiryou stole a glance at the charred corpses beyond Tertek, "... How did you do this?"

"Do what?" Tertek asks, blinking innocently, unaware of Meiryou's naivete concerning magic.

"Incinerate those.. Things."

"Oh, that?" Tertek says nonchalantly, "That was just a lightning bolt spell."

Meiryou shook his head at Tertek's offhanded attitude. All these oddities were making his head swim. "Enough. Where might we find a place to rest?"

"Y'got me," came the reply, "Ne'er been 'ere before, that I can think of. Don't know th' best place t' call kip. Maybe we should get walkin' so we can try t' find a place?"

"Sou ka." Meiryou spoke his language briefly, unsure when he'd be able to carry on a conversation using it again, "We should. There are mountains nearby... Perhaps there is a mining community somewhere around here."

The creature seemed to consider this for a moment, his tail swaying softly behind him. "Mountains and mining communities mean dwarves," he mused, "I'd rather not be involved with dwarves. Let's 'ead south and see if we can't find a nice, more 'uman burg."

"Dwarves, hm? ... Hmph... Very well." Meiryou resigned himself to the fact that Tertek was more able a traveller than he, and took a last look around. "South, then."