Greetings one and all...

I thought it was about time to introduce the second member of this duo (or trio, all things depending)...

Name: Vashanna Naelyn

Appearance: Dark Elf 5'3" Exceptionally beautiful Brown skin, a shade darker than caramel White hair, not simply gray or silver, but pure white Gray eyes Very slender, but healthier than Simon A little farsighted from always staring at either a computer screen or her clan's old scrolls...She wears glasses

Abilities: As a Dark Elf, Vashanna can see exceptionally well in the dark, similar to a cat's vision, but better She can blend into the shadows and disappear, not through magic, but simply because that's what her people are good at. Long lived. Extremely. Vashanna is considered a child at 79. As such, she has undeveloped abilities that all adult Dark Elves have, such as conjuration and summoning.

Inventory: (Everything scrounged from the bodies of the portal accident) She has much of her old stuff, though none of the electronic things work. Other things she's taken from the site of the portal accident that brought her to Nu. Through trial and error, she's built a small cabin west of the accident site and has refashioned most of the clothes she wears from what she's taken. She has her father's sword. Elfen blade, long and thin. Named Pasha. She keeps him slung over her back, ready for use.

Personality: Vashanna is courteous and kind, but also tough. She's been in Nu for almost two months and living in the wilderness has toughened her up. She has vain hope that the portal scroll is still in the wreckage, which is why she hasn't moved far or gone elsewhere. Being elf means that she doesn't give up hope easily, but it's beginning to wear on her. She knows that there are humans on Nu, but she is kind of prejudiced against them.

Quote: "Vatheryth el..." - picked up from her grandfather whom she lost at an early age. No human equivalent, but roughly translates as 'So it goes...' It's very much a coping phrase.

History: Much of the Elf's history will be set for the readers by way of flashback through the first few chapters. This will include Vashanna's personal history as well. To sum up, she's archiving her clan records, but is curious as to why some records (of incredibly old age, even for elves) are sealed. Hating a conspiracy, she takes the oldest one and breaks the seal. After archiving it, she translates it and finds out about the history of elves that she's never been told. They were once pan-dimensional people, but grew satisfied when they got to Earth and decided to stay. Her clan was the one that forced the other clans on Earth to stay, which is the reason for the enmity between her clans and others, though it's never been brought out. One of those, 'they've been fighting for so long, they forgot the reason'. At the end of the history is the portal spell. She never realized that when she read it, everyone and everything within the mountain would be transported with her, but that was the nature of the portal, as it was used to transport whole communities at once. Unfortunately, another part of the scroll shows her that the other elves need to be in a certain radius of the scroll to live through the transport, which they didn't. She's still mourning. Vashanna now works to translate the rest of the scrolls and try to find some way home.

What d'ya think of her? Hot, huh? ;P

The first couple chapters will be the introduction as well, so, let's get into it!

Joshua "Gargoyle" Trujillo "Stone Cold Protector of the Righteous"

Wanna take a ride?

Moving fast to beat the devil, Arms too short to box with God.

Time counts and keeps countin'