Well. Hello Mike, and welcome to Nu. I have to say, you've chosen a very ballsy character to write for. Noone on this list doesn't know who Spiderman is, and many of us have some strong preconceived notins about his character (be they good notions or negative ones).

You've also picked first person perspective. Is that going to be the manner throughout your chapters? That sounds a little pompous as I read that sentence back to myself; it isn't meant to be. First person is only used by one other character that I can think of, Daniel Graves (a Mage: the Ascension Technocrat), so it's a style that I'm not used to.

I was curious, why place Peter in Nu just *before* the events of the Unlimited cartoon? When I heard about the character being approved by Lannie, I envisioned him being taken to Nu because the warp gate used to transport the shuttle to Counter Earth malfunctioned. Naturally, the actual manner of his transport suprised me.

Anyway, that's enough out of me for now. :) Looking forward to the next chapter.

Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.