From: Ceiridwen Robbins

> Hello everyone; here is my introductory chapter. I expect some confusion *smug grin*. That is all part of the fun.

Oh, confusion eh? *sinister chuckle*

Sorry Ceiridwen (is that your REAL name? Riotous, if so!) but Lan spoiled the confusion for anyone that was in the IRC channel. She was practically crowing, smug as can be, that she had either convinced you to join Nu, or that you had decided on your own. She wasn't to clear on that part. She mentioned Debbie had some connection to Janus, and being the both ignorant and curious little devil that I am, I pumped her mercilessly for information :P So I had the skinny. ^.-

But on to important things. Those being your chapter and the events within.

I don't say this very often mind you. I loved it. It was great!

Most prelude chapters are little more than a starting point. They interrupt a typical life in the day of the character, whenn suddenly they get sucked into Nu and the exciting stuff happens from there. Or they're already doing something exciting, and the effects of that something end up brining them to Nu. Point is, they usually involve a character that even the author is just begining to understand. Yours was clearly different.

Not only that, it also was both a begining and an end. It wasn't a typical day in Debbie's life; it was the end as far as she was concerned. It was also very clear that you and Debbie are well aquainted with each other. You don't need to explore her character much, you already know her. It was this, and the somber attitude of the chapter (which is pretty unusual as Nu chapters go) that made it interesting.

I'm looking forward to more from you.


Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.