Rumor wrote:

>Props to Bart, too, who's been campaining for a massive revivial in the NuRPG. Lannie's done wonderful hands-on work, and Bart was the only one who really started trying to revive this damnable thing, and sorta dragged us all along. Hip hip, like, for su re! > Aw, yer makin' me blush. :)

Seriously, though, it's only right that I take the Mad Propz that I've just been given and distribute them evenly among the writers of the NuRPG. It's great to see things moving again... and to think I was worried it wouldn't happen. :)

Anyway, to all the new writers, welcome aboard! I don't think I've ever seen this many *good* new writers in such a short amount of time. It's quite refreshing.

Peace, Bart

P.S. I can already tell this Schala/Janus/Debbie thing is gonna be an emotional mess. I look forward to reading it. :)

P.P.S. Nich and I are hard at work on the next part of Reunion 6. It will be cool, and it will be posted before the end of the month.