I have to agree with Bart. Super Props to all of you guys who took the time that was needed not to let yourselves go out with a whimper. It's great to see people getting active and interested. Also, I'm really glad to ahve been able to approve all our recent authors, I think you all have a lot to add to this little group. And boy, do I ever feel like an awards speech or something o_O

What I'd really like to see is for this group to become a tighter community again, not just people to write with, but people to chat with and etc as well. Our irc channel still exists, though less frequented as late. I'm always there if I'm online, so drop by and poke me sometime! I'm on ICQ as well, as the only Elanya there (I think), so feel free anyone to drop me a line anytime...


Bart Kelsey wrote: > > Rumor wrote: > > >Props to Bart, too, who's been campaining for a massive revivial in the NuRPG. Lannie's done wonderful hands-on work, and Bart was the only one who really started trying to revive this damnable thing, and sorta dragged us all along. Hip hip, like, for sure! > > > Aw, yer makin' me blush. :) > > Seriously, though, it's only right that I take the Mad Propz that I've > just been given and distribute them evenly among the writers of the > NuRPG. It's great to see things moving again... and to think I was > worried it wouldn't happen. :) > > Anyway, to all the new writers, welcome aboard! I don't think I've ever > seen this many *good* new writers in such a short amount of time. It's > quite refreshing. > > Peace, > Bart > > P.S. I can already tell this Schala/Janus/Debbie thing is gonna be an > emotional mess. I look forward to reading it. :) > > P.P.S. Nich and I are hard at work on the next part of Reunion 6. It > will be cool, and it will be posted before the end of the month.

-- Well I lived with a child of snow when I was a soldier, and I fought every man for her until the nights grew colder.

She used to wear her hair like you except when she was sleeping, and then she'd weave it on a loom of smoke and gold and breathing.

-Leonard Cohen, "Winter Lady"