Hey all!

I'll be off for about three weeks of vacation in the US. I won't be able to post till May 19 or so.

Meantime, three people have responded to my Spidey entrance posts, be it positive or negative. ^_^ Darkspiral, Mal, Ceiridwen... I'd like ye all to know I appreciate feedback, positive and negative alike. Thanks ever so much and keep em coming!


>I have to agree with Bart. Super Props to all of you guys who took the >time that was needed not to let yourselves go out with a whimper. It's >great to see people getting active and interested. Also, I'm really >glad to ahve been able to approve all our recent authors, I think you >all have a lot to add to this little group. And boy, do I ever feel >like an awards speech or something o_O > >What I'd really like to see is for this group to become a tighter >community again, not just people to write with, but people to chat with >and etc as well. Our irc channel still exists, though less frequented >as late. I'm always there if I'm online, so drop by and poke me >sometime! I'm on ICQ as well, as the only Elanya there (I think), so >feel free anyone to drop me a line anytime... > >-Heather(Jan/Daniel)