> Is there anything big that's going on in Freehaven that I should know >about before I post my next chapter? Tertek is on his way to Freehaven and I >want to make sure my chapter doesn't contradict anything happening there at >the moment.

Currently, Zeta is in Freehaven... and I'm *way* behind on my chapter-writing for her. Hopefully, I'll be able to pull myself through the rest of Zeta 13 and get to the good parts of that story arc, but it'll take time in any case. Since I haven't been reading lately, though, I don't know whether your character has seen or done anything that anchors him to any specific point in continuity, so I don't know whether this is a problem or not. (I really ought to take the time to catch up, though...)

Aside from that, if you aren't aware, aside from Zeta and Bleak, Freehaven is currently deserted. The Technorgs, which were a key side threat early in NuRPG, are now all dead. There isn't terribly much for the majority of characters to do there, really, aside from looking at all the technology in confusion -- though by the time Zeta 13 is over, a larger percentage of it will be functioning. -- Pteryx