And here it is, Slate 12. This comes directly after Dibbka 11. Comments always welcome.

Aah'Zaergo stumbled backwards as stone rained down to the floor of the chamber. Standing before him, in the space that used to be the wall, was Slate, glowing black with power. Kirsta was slung limply over one of his shoulders, blood dripping slowly from her head to the floor. He clutched his sword in his hand. Aah had locked it in what had been the armory of the ancient castle, but locked doors didn't seem to bother Slate in his current state. The pendant that had somehow contained the demon was gone. Slate looked down at Aah, his eyes a mixture of hate and lust.

"You are mine," he hissed, his voice the whisper of air coming from a tomb that had been cracked open for the first time. "Give yourself over, and it will be relatively painless."

Wasting no time, Aah loosed the spell that had seemed to work earlier. Black tendrils grew from the floor and wrapped around Slate's limbs, pulling him down. Aah retreated a few steps and began a binding spell while Slate fought the tentacles. Muscles in his arm bulging, he ripped his sword arm free, and quickly cut himself out. He advanced two steps before the binding spell took effect. His legs were suddenly pinned together, wrapped with what felt like invisible iron bands. Losing his balance, he managed to sink to his knees rather than topple to the floor. He carefully rolled Kirsta off his shoulder, leaving her laying peacefully near the wall. Brushing a strand of hair from her face, he carefully placed her hands across her chest.

Aah looked on in amazement at the way the demon-controlled man handled the girl. It was as if even the tremendous power of that monster couldn't touch the man's care for her. Aah jerked himself out of his momentary stupor as Slate began struggling against the bonds. He didn't have time to study this right now, no matter how interesting it was. A second binding spell hit Slate, and now his arms were stuck securely to his sides. His sword clattered to the floor as he strained against the bonds. Aah began the words for a third binding spell. He knew that this one would immobilize Slate for sure, allowing Aah time to cast his new spell.

Just as Aah was about to finish his spell, Slate ripped his arms free from his sides. He then lunged forward, legs still pinned together, and smashed into Aah's knees. Aah tipped over backwards and crashed to the floor, scrambling back away from Slate. Slate managed to get a hand on Aah's leg and hauled him back, grinning insanely as he pulled the vampire buffalo closer. Struggling franticly to free himself, Aah flung a small fire spell at Slate's hand. The spell was nullified as it reached Slate, but it startled him enough that he released his grip, allowing Aah to retreat out of his reach. Aah started another binding spell, this one more powerful than the first ones had been. Just then, Slate's legs pulled free. Rolling back, he hefted a large chunk of wall and hurled it at Aah. Aah tried ducking to the side, but the piece of stone caught his shoulder, sending him spinning back into the wall. Cursing, Aah used a quick telekinesis spell to fling the rock back. Slate had retrieved his sword by then, and chopped the stone in two, sending the pieces harmlessly around him.

Both combatants paused, sizing the other up. Aah was beginning to feel the toll of casting so many spells so quickly, and his demonic opponent didn't seem to be slowing down at all. Aah knew he would have to end this soon, or else Slate's unnatural endurance would ensure victory. He quickly prepared a chain of spells, knowing that if these failed to stop Slate, he would be destroyed by the demon.

Mentally, Aah contacted a shade. "Find that accursed pendant," he told it. "Bring it here when you do."

Slate grinned at Aah, almost as if he could hear the mental command. He spun his sword easily in his hands, then lunged forward. Aah conjured a sword of darkness and fended off Slate's blows while he readied the spell chain. Slate's attacks were relentless, pounding at Aah's defense. Aah released the first spell just as Slate cleaved his sword of darkness in two.

A gust of wind hit Slate, knocking him back, while a bolt of force impacted with his chest. He doubled over, and his sword was yanked from his hand and imbedded in the wall. Gravity increased in a small circle around Slate, and he sunk to the floor. Finally, a globe of force encircled him, trapping him against the stone floor. Slate strained upward, pushing against the invisible barrier, but he couldn't budge it. Aah smiled even as he slumped against the wall. The gamble had paid off, and now Slate was securely trapped. Aah started a little as he thought he saw the force dome ripple against Slate's assault. Perhaps he wasn't quite so secure.

Focusing his mind, Aah began the new spell he had been working on. It required some time to cast, and Aah didn't want Slate to break free before the spell was cast. Slate continued to struggle against the trap, and now Aah was sure that the spell was weakening. Forcing himself to remain calm, Aah continued his spell. Any mistake now and he would have to start over, and he wasn't sure if he had time for that. As he was nearing the end of the spell, a shade materialized in his view, holding a small blue stone set in silver. Aah smiled, sure of his success now. He completed his spell and readied himself, then disspelled the force globe around Slate. Slate rose to his feet quickly, but Aah was ready, and his new spell lanced into Slate. A thread of darkness came into being between Slate and Aah. Slate began to tremble and dropped to his knees. The thread thickened slowly, and the black aura around Slate began to diminish. The blackness surged through the connection between them, and as it reached Aah is was pulled downward into the floor. Aah could feel the castle drinking in the power of the demon. As the spell continued, Aah's eyes widened. The demon had incredible power, but more amazing was that even with this power, it hadn't been able to consume Slate completely. Aah made a note to definitely watch his brother and his friends more closely.

The spell finished, and as the black connection disappeared, Slate was left lying on the floor, breathing harshly. The black aura around him was gone. Only a slight darkness in his eyes showed any sign of the demon. Aah also fell to the floor as the spell ended. Using himself as a channel for all that power had weakened him more than he expected. Cursing himself for not being more careful, he commanded the shade to put the pendant on Slate and remove Slate and Kirsta from the chamber.

Slate rose shakily from the cold stone floor. He felt weak, hardly able to support his own weight. Looking around, he discovered himself in a barren hallway, his sword against the wall and Kirsta lying a few feet away. Kirsta. He crawled over to her and nearly collapsed against her chest. She was breathing. She was alive. He stayed there for a long time, just listening to her breathe. Finally, he forced himself to his feet and took a few tentative steps. He needed to find Dibbka and get out of here. Carefully lifting Kirsta from the floor, he gently placed her over his shoulder. Then, using his sword as a crutch, he hobbled off down the hall in search of the blue buffalo.

Dibbka opened his eyes slowly, groaing at the pain in his chest. His whole body ached, and breathing was difficult. As his eyes slowly got used to the flickering light, he saw Slate leaning over him, clumsily wrapping his midsection in bandages. Dibbka tried to sit up, but Slate easily held him down with a hand on his chest.

"Don't move," he said. "You're banged up pretty bad. I'm no doctor, but this should help some."

Dibbka nodded and tried to relax while Slate finished bandaging him. What had happened? Slate tackled him, that was it, crushed him into the floor. It was amazing he had lived. Why had Slate attacked? Kirsta, yes, he was trying to save Kirsta. He had to relieve the pressure in her skull. Slate must have thought he was trying to hurt her. Dibbka remained silent, not sure Slate was ready to talk about any of this.

Slate rocked back onto his heels. "Try sitting up. That's the best I can do for you."

Dibbka nearly screamed as he pushed against the floor. Slate reached out and offered Dibbka a hand, and between the two of them he managed to make it to a sitting position. Blinking away the bright bursts in his vision, Dibbka looked around. They were still in the cell, but the door was now a mangled heap of metal in the corner. Kirsta lay a few feet away, breathing shallowly. Dibbka was relieved to know his emergency procedure had saved her.

Slate had moved back over to Kirsta and was stroking her cheek softly. "I did that to you." It wasn't a question.

Dibbka nodded slightly. "Yes." He had to speak quietly to lessen the pain in his lungs.

"And I ripped the door open, and I caused all the destruction I saw in the castle."

"I suppose so," Dibbka mused, "unless my brother decided to redecorate."

Slate shook his head. "Somehow I doubt that." He sat quietly for a moment, then spoke again. "I think we can escape. The foyer we came in is unguarded, and the halls are empty."

Dibbka was silent for a time. The black aura that had been around Slate since they arrived here was gone. Indeed, only the pendant glowing at his neck was evidence of the demon that possessed him. Dibbka wondered if perhaps his brother had done this. If so, he had probably saved all of their lives. Of course, they still had to escape, and that meant walking. Kirsta would have to be carried, and Dibbka knew he was in no shape to be moving around. Still, there was hope. If they could get outside the castle, his healing magic would work. Then he could repair his own damaged chest, and possibly help Kirsta as well.

Slate spoke again. "When you feel strong enough, we will try." He eyes never left Kirsta's face.

Dibbka groaned and grunted, and slowly worked his way to his feet, using the wall of the cell for support. Dibbka leaned heavily on the wall, dragging in large painful breaths. Slate lifted up Kirsta and turned around. They made quite a group as they left the cell, Slate with Kirsta in his arms and Dibbka leaning against him from behind. Slowly, ever so slowly, they made their way down the dungeon corridor.

Aah'Zaergo sat in his study, still resting from the spell that had drained the demon's power. A shade came to him with the news. His brother was leaving. Aah smiled weakly. He would watch them closely. This demon had power, and Aah didn't plan on losing his chance to take it for himself.