Hey all. Just joined and Nice to be on board. Name's Mike! ^_^

Name: Peter Parker (aka Spider-Man <Unlimited>)

Appearance: As Peter Parker, he's a handsome guy with medium length slightly spiky brown hair and brown eyes, 5"10 in height and 165 lbs in weight. Wearing his new nanotech Spider-Man costume, he's dressed in a full bodysuit colored red and dark blue. Two whitish-yellow spots meant to simulate an insect's eyes are in place of Peter's eyes. A large red spider symbol covers the chest area, and a short web cape trails behind him.

Abilities: The bite from the radiation infected spider gave Peter super strength, increased agility, ability to stick to and climb walls, and a sixth 'spider sense' that allows him to detect danger. Added to that, Peter is an expert photographer and of above average ability in chemistry.

Inventory: Spider-Man's new costume utilizes the power of more than a million nanotech spiderbots, activated by pressing a button on a watch-like device on his left wrist. This costume has enhanced his spider abilities, making him stronger and faster than ever (a good thing, considering the world of Nu and the kind of dangers there). It has made his webbing unlimited, and given a few new features to boot.

Cloaking Device- For a limited amount of time, Spidey turns invisible

Sonic Emanator- Specifically designed to combat the symbiotes but can be used for other purposes, Spidey can channel the sonic energy in the form of blasts with the force of a very small bomb

Magnesium Webbing- Whenever he wishes, Spidey loads magnesium capsules into his web shooters and for the next few shots, his webs will be charged with fire. Though his webbing is unlimited, the magnesium capsules are not.

Spider Tracers- An old one but still useful. The tracers, when attached, let Spidey know where his target is.

Enhanced Vision- The eyes of the costume let Spidey see in magnified vision, infrared, and x-ray.

Spidey has web shooters located on the underside of the wrists of his costume. They work like real spider webbing wherein once they are released into the air, they harden into an epoxy-like spray. He can adjust their spray and can create things like simple ropes, balls, shields, gauntlets, parachutes, etc.

Personality: Friendly guy and cheerful nearly all the time. Has a wonderful sense of humor that shows itself in the form of wisecracks and over-the-head comments both to friends and foes. He cares much for people he considers friends and allies and would very often go out ofhis way to ensure their safety. Believes that good must always triumph over evil (sounds cliche, but it's true), that the innocent must be protected from the guilty, and that a man's power is his own responsibility. Sometimes feels that his role as Spider-Man disrupts his marital life with Mary Jane, and many times he has thought of just quitting, yet his belief to stand for what is right has always prevented him. Loves picture-taking and chemistry.

Quote: "With great power comes great responsibility."

History: In his teen years, Peter Parker was the clasic nerd: shy, awkward, bookish, sought refuge in science and photography, picked on by the bullies.

His life took a big turn both for the better and for the worst one day, during a demonstration on radiation and neogenics. While one of the radiation machines was running, a common spider crossed its path and was bombarded with unknown rays. And then it bit Peter. As a result of it, he later found he had gained enhanced agility, strength, the ability to climb walls, and a sixth 'spider sense'.

He became the costumed vigilante Spider-Man. Much has happened to him over the years. He has learned many lessons ("With great power comes great responsibility.") combatted various foes and teamed up with some of the world's (and sometimes universe's) greatest heroes. Peter became a photographer for the Daily Bugle while doubling on the streets and rooftops as Spider-Man. Eventually he married his love Mary Jane Watson.

One day, Colonel John Jameson, the astronaut son of Daily Bugle head J. Jonah Jameson, reported that NASA had found an Earth like world (named Counter-Earth) on tho other side of the Sun. Col. Jameson was to go there in a shuttle, but during blastoff, Venom and Carnage stowawayed. Spider-Man tried to stop them, but was defeated for they had become more powerful since last he fought them. Spidey survived, but ended up with many people believing he had attempted to sabotage the mission. He was now a wanted man.

A few days later, a fire broke out in an apartment building. Spidey saved the mother and her child, but was pinned down by firefighter's's hoses. They could have held him for the police, but a chunk of the building collapsed towards one of the firemen. Selflessly, Spidey pushed him out of the way as the building collapsed. Four hours later of excavating, all they found of him was his tattered mask.

Peter returned to Mary Jane, hoping that now, with his alter-ego believed dead, he could live a normal life. Then a TV broadcast featured Col. Jameson sending a distress call from Counter-Earth, saying he needed help. Peter, resolve and determination to redeem himself in his heart, sought the help of Dr. Reed Richards to created a new nanotechnology costume that enhanced his spider powers as well as gave him new abilities to stand up to the dangers of an alien world.

Five months have passed. In one month, a new NASA shuttle will leave for Counter-Earth and Spidey plans to 'borrow' it. But before he goes to save Jameson... right out of the blue, Spidey will face a challenge unlike anything he's ever had before. Totally unlike.