This chapter's a continuation of Meiryou's first chapter. We're collaborating for a while. As always, comments and the like are welcome and if you're in the Freehaven/Fens area, let me us know and maybe we can have our characters meet for a while.

Tertek skidded to a halt upon seeing the lizard creatures leap out of the surrounding forest. The tiefling cursed himself for not paying closer attention to his surroundings as he ran. He'd encountered lizard men before, however, and never found them to be too tough. Then again, the ones he had encountered appeared in twos and threes. He counted eight approaching him and the weird human he had just fled from.

<What are you waiting for, berk?> a familiar, sarcastic, crackling voice sounded in the rogue's head, <Take me out o' this bleedin' sheathe and let me at the newts!> The sword at Tertek's left hip hummed with anxiousness.

<I agree,> a brighter, melodious voice replied, <Release me and let me dance the dance of death.>

Tertek grinned. When both of his magical swords wanted to fight, his battles usually became much easier. He pulled both blades from their resting places at his belt. At the same time, his tail wrapped around one of the daggers sheathed on his back. Armed now with three weapons, he fell into a defensive crouch and eyed the lizardmen.

None of his adversaries, save the human, appeared armed with anything other than natural weapons. Fortunately, the human looked more ready to fight the lizardmen before fighting him. Tertek made a mental note to try and keep an eye on the human, just to make sure he didn't try anything during the fight.

The lizardmen appeared somewhat reluctant to attack. Tertek noted that none of the scaly creatures sported claws. That might explain their hesitation, he thought, It'd be barmy to attack two bashers with swords drawn when you didn't have weapons of your own. The tiefling sighed, becoming bored with the waiting. When a Sensate became bored, one could be assured something wouuld happen very soon.

Grinning, Tertek held up his left hand and spoke a command. He released the hilt of the sword. The weapon floated in midair, hovering at eye level, just to Tertek's left. The lizardmen twitched nervously as they warily eyed the tiefling and his floating sword. Smirking to himself, Tertek called a spell to mind and selected a spot where the creatures appeared most concentrated. He focused his mind on that spot and began incanting in a loud, clear voice.

As soon as he finished uttering the last syllable of the spell, the tiefling thrust his empty hand toward the lizardmen. With a deafening crack of thunder, an enormous bolt of blue-white lightning rippled from Tertek's fingertips. In the blink of an eye, the bolt leaped from Tertek to the astonished group of lizardmen. The magical blast struck two lizardmen full on. Their bodies, blackened and smoking, fell unmoving to the ground. A third lizard who stood behind the first two, also felt the wrath of the bolt. Though it did not feel the full brunt of the spell, the brutal force still proved too much for the creature. Like its companions, it fell to the ground.

The deaths of three of their comrades caused some kind of berserker anger to snap in the remaining five lizardmen. They charged forward, emitting a shrill warcry. Three lunged at Tertek, while the other two attacked the human. Tertek drew another dagger from his belt. Though his daggers had been designed primarily for throwing, the tiefling rogue had learned to use them as melee weapons in a pinch.

The tiefling's dancing sword swooped forward at the lead lizardman, plunging itself almost to the hilt in the creature's throat. The remaining two ignored their fallen ally and shoved the corpse out of the way, charging the tiefling with ferocious bloodlust. Tertek braced himself and thrust his two weapons out at arm's length to meet the mindless assault. Deep within their wild frenzy, the two lizards didn't stop charging until they had impaled themselves on the rogue's weapons. The lizard on Tertek's right convulsed as the tiefling's magical sword discharged high amounts of electrical energy into the creature's body. Unfortunately, the dagger missed piercing any vital spots in the other lizard. The creature flailed madly at the tiefling with its clammy hands. Grimacing, Tertek swung his tail over his shoulder and stabbed repeatedly at the monster's head until the thrashing stopped. Greenish black ichor spurted from the wounds.

Grumbling under his breath, Tertek pushed the bodies off his weapons and scanned the area for any of these creatures' brethren. Apparently, the human had not had any problem dispatching the two lizardmen who attacked him. Two unmoving bodies lay at the man's feet. Tertek grunted and wiped his blades clean on the grass. He pulled his sword of dancing from the throat of the third lizard and wiped it clean as well before returning all of his blades to their sheathes. Inside his head, the swords began to compliment each other on the marvelous battle they had just fought in. The tiefling chuckled and ignored the weapons. Wiping the ichor from his face, he turned to the human.

"Not too bad for a Prime," he said, "Ye still don't feel like chasin' me down, do ye? I 'aven't got anythin' ye'd want and looks like we're both 'ipped 'ere until I find a portal leadin' out o' this plane."

The tiefling yawned widely, then said, "What's yer name, cutter?"

As always, comments are more than welcome, as are suggestions for where to go next and ideas for what to do. ^_^

Micah, aka "Flare Dragon Ceiphied"