puck wrote:

> So all incoming characters not from Nu, come from other universes and if > someone came from the same universe as Nu, it would be easy to go back > home? > It's always seemed that there were only two places in the universe of > Nu that > one could go to once there, Nu and Mu, and that was only because they > were > bound so tightly together. Even Malock's realm is a subrealm of Nu, > created of > the same space as an underground complex of Nu, but offset in the > reality of > Nu... > > mal


I think it's time things concerning Umbriel were clarified. Thus, I give you the Umbriel FAQ:


Q: What is Umbriel?

A: Umbriel is Nu's moon. It orbits Nu, and exists in the same reality.


Q: So, what's it like up there?

A: Umbriel has no natural atmosphere, and thus, all of its cities are covered in domes. It is home to a large (but currently unspecified) number of people.


Q: Tell me more about it.

A: Read Higher Power.


Q: Why was Umbriel created?

A: It was created for Higher Power, which was in need of a setting.


Q: Who approved this?

A: The GM (myself) and the location admin (Rumor).


Q: Is Umbriel's existance negotiable?

A: No.


Q: Who owns Umbriel?

A: DarkSpiral, Kate, and myself.


Q: Is it possible to travel to and from Umbriel?

A: Yes, to the same extent that it's possible to travel from the Earth to the Moon and back. In other words, it can be done, but it's not easy.


Q: So can I have a character go to Umbriel?

A: Yes, with approval from the owners.


Q: Can I add a city to Umbriel?

A: Possibly, as long as there's good reason, and it doesn't get in the way of the Higher Power plot. Again, you'll need approval first.


Q: Wait a sec. If Nu has a moon, does that mean that there are other planets in Nu's universe?

A: Ahem. Probably not. If you **really** want to create one, it'll need to be part of a really good story. We don't want the RPG polluted with a mess of large, unused locations. Even then, the decision is totally arbitrary and not entirely my own to make. You might be refused because we, the Nu admins, don't like your story. You might be refused because it's Tuesday, and that's what we, the Nu admins, like to do on Tuesdays. The bottom line: I don't want to say no outright, because I'd hate for really good ideas to go to waste... however, don't get your hopes up.


Q: Is this the last question?

A: Yes.